Roanoke Photos

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Zoo Part 1

I know, I know I did a post last year on the Zoo but I love going there plus I got a new camera and I went there to try it out. I also want to keep the Zoo in everybody's mind because what they are going to be doing this coming year, the new look of the Zoo. Anyways on to the photos - that is why you came, right?

So I started with the geese who are right next to the gift shop and boy were they loud that day!

Here is the lone prairie dog, he was out and about wagging his little tail! He is very cute.

There were cardinals all over the Zoo, both male and female and they were just stunning.

Next up is the lazy wolverine, who actually looks kinda cute until you look at those paws and teeth!

Up next we move on to the Tufted Deer, she is a pretty little deer.

So next time I will have more photos as soon as blogger wants to cooperate!